Pretty sure on ID, significant range extension if correct. Adding from phone just to get it up on iNat and may update observation from computer later. Rare on mossy low cliffs of dolomitic sandstone at the top of a deep river valley. Toothless leaves with parallel sides, scattered adaxial stomata, and relatively inconspicuous annual constrictions. Included are pics of stomata on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces as well as a comparison of largest leaves between H. lucidula, H. cf porophila, and a presumed hybrid. Samples taken.
Looks like it may be a bit more gangly than H. porophila typically is, but here's an observation from north of Lake Superior (determined by Weston Testo) with apparently similar habit:
maybe just C. leptonervia but wider, whitish leaves and # of nerves is throwing me
On Thuja
several caterpillars found under boards, along with one crysalis?
Was a bit interesting to scour all the thickets near the river mouth without luck then find this species growing on the rock pile under the bridge. Traits of "f. psila" and typical form intergraded on this individual, which was interesting. And problematic.
"A form with the leaves glabrate beneath, and often with twigs scarcely if at all glaucous [f. psila C. K. Schneid.] is frequent along the north shore of Lake Superior in Ontario and has been collected on the upper beach of Lake Superior in Luce Co." (
Keyed to Sisyrinchium strictum in the field.
pretty sure...
leaves completely glabrous, no prickles
specimen 0106, MICH
the tiniest mushroom-like structure, not sure I've seen anything like it before
could it be Polycephalomyces?
Unidentified beetles. Small, black, shiny. Eating Purple Loosestrife leaves.
low dead conifer twig in conifer swamp
medulla C+ red (but fading quickly so no picture)
I think the host was Ilex mucronata but could have been some other alternate-leaved wetland shrub - it was quite dead
Flowers five-merous, fruit a hooked achene. Leaves dimorphic, with surface leaves roughly ternately lobed and water leaves finely dissected
Locally abundant in high-quality areas of pine barrens
Less than a week after the first state record found by @alexgraeff. All awns <5mm; fruiting stage less advanced than sympatric E. virginicus; lower leaves short & senescing early; upper leaves erect or at least not spreading or drooping. Widely and sparsely scattered within 20 meters of river. Last photo is a comparison with E. virginicus (E. curvatus on right).
Collected. These coordinates were taken from my phone in the field.
The purple samaras are odd to me. Is this a common trait that I have overlooked? This tree growing on the edge of a wooded road near Lake Superior
the lighter green one in first and second photos
On Thuja in mature, shady, mixed swamp
Habitat, size, color suggest this over F. asagrayana, though unfortunately no bracts to examine to be certain of that differentiation
will have to revisit next year to look for capsules!
Reaaalllly interesting occurrence on lower portion of dry sandstone bluff over Sturgeon River, only in spots where a loose accumulation of sand had formed from upslope erosion. Much better argument for nativity here than the other Michigan collection.
On Cardamine diphylla. No choice for Albugo hesleri yet on iNat, part of the species complex of candida but specific to diphylla.
Population found by Alex Graeff last year. Not a trace of pubescence anywhere