c7609. This must be bivoltine, given how late in the season it is. I don't think it is likely it survived so green this long since the Spring.
Starry rosinweed? This one had leaves in whorls of four instead of three. It probably was introduced in this location by planting/sowing though I'm not sure how long ago and if this plant came up on its own. Not sure if this was still budding or already fruiting.
Silphium speciosum - midrib blister https://www.gallformers.org/gall/5439
Finally found one! Dissection revealed a large larval cell, but no inducer :(
Silphium integrifolium var speciousum (smooth, waxy stem)
Cryptic stem galls
On Sonchus asper. galls not evident externally. 7436
On Silphium gracile (not a wild plant - it was planted by Swamp Fly Native Landscapes)
1000’s of plants at this truly bizarre site. The Silphium seems to be all that is left of what must have been a large prairie, which was gouged and bisected by Rt. 19 in the last ~25 years. There are scattered native species accompanying it, but aside from the junipers, the most abundant here is non-native and invasive species. Although the parts of Bracken County that are not wetland and river-adjacent are under-botanized, it is a bit mind boggling that this population (and the natural community that went with it) went unnoticed by collectors in the past.
S. integrifolium - tiny little pimple close to the leaf margin, single larva contained within. Preserved in 95% etOH and en route to @louisnastasi
On Silphium
Gall in center of pictures 8, 9, 10
small stem gall on Sonchus asper. 7387
Giant tap roots
Gall on Pilosella lactucella
Thanks @alex_abair for your (quick!) feedback on observation https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/227662948.
I went back to take a few green balls, and open 2. Pictures show what was found.
Videos at https://youtu.be/JBFd6UiQw4E?feature=shared
and https://youtu.be/JR4R8Z9CCJ0?feature=shared
So we have (developing?) galls, @louisnastasi. Your info @friesen5000.
Remember: all with cheap clip-on macro lens attached to cell camera.
Time: 15:29, 22°C, Feels Like 22°C, Partly Cloudy, Estimated 24 Hr Rainfall 0.0 mm, NNE Wind 10 kph, Humidity 50%, Dew Point 11°C, Pressure Falling 1025.1 mb, UV Index 6; Sheffield Towne Weather Station (KILSCHAU41)
Photos 1 and 2 are wasp 1.
Photos 3 to 6 are wasp 2.
Photos 7 and 8 are wasp 3.
But it could also be 1 or 2 wasps that changes spot.
Same garden as usual, still no signs of galls (unless I don't know what to look for).
On Lactuca, wild lettuce. Stem galls. East side of Chicot State Park near spillway
Tallgrass prairie remnant
Hey @joeysantore, here’s a cool remnant limestone prairie spot in Austin
(This observation is for the host plant)
@destes if this ID is right, might be a county record for Grundy. Northernmost population at least on iNat
Rock Creek Ranch Park. Silphium Prairie. MPxxx.
With interesting galls.
On a Silphium
Quercus falcata. One leaf w/ multiple galls. Sending to Forbes lab. Ceroptres wasp appeared to be ovipositing into the galls. Ceroptres wasp obs at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/223867394
Second (Chalcidoid?) wasp appeared in container with leaf/galls. Obs at
Posting for reference. An unusual gall on this plant is being posted. Generations of unplanted seedlings from native plants in the region. Town of Washington.
On Quercus alba
Coll 29May2024 KR ROW
Emerged 12Jun2024
Found on the Salvia in the second photo
Verbesina virginica. Stem galls located on many stems. Old brown gall on dead stem very near the original plant is shown with larva inside.
Very tentative ID suggested by app
Same location, same host as observed the day before: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/220788455
Can’t tell if it is the same specimen, so new observation.
Several of these wasps emerged from this leaf loaded with galls.
Appeared in container w/ Andricus quercuspetiolicola galls collected on 6-4-24. Sending to Forbes lab in EtOH Gall obs at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/220566892
On Q. falcata. Wasp on leaf w/ (probably) Polystepha galls. Sending wasp and leaf to Forbes lab. I thought wasp was recently dead b/c not moving but it moved when I tried to pick it up with tweezers. Put into EtOH.
stem gall on Prenanthella exigua
Posted separately from other smaller leaf galls, but on same Silphium gracile plant. Lowest leaf, now dead. Collected for researcher. KNF off FS road 249, vicinity of Woodworth
Silphium gracile leaf galls. FS road 249, KNF. Vicinity of Woodworth.
Last 2 photos show the same plant with normal flower and seed heads. Plant, Silphium gracile, posted separately. Town of Washington, my yard.
Is that some sort of gall on it?
Gall on Fumaria c.f officinalis. Inside I only found what seems to be a puparium. Thought it was empty until I observed this failed pupa shortly after.
I think this might be the sexgen of Neuroterus tantulus, I’ll try barcoding it to verify
After leaving Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historical Site, I made a few observations along the road through Washington, Fayette, and Lee Counties, none of which are in a Texas CNC metroplex.
Second day of the 2024 City Nature Challenge: Global Project.
Yet another new species! Original host gall observation here: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/167275394