4-17-21---3a (mixed collection; will tease out other spp and post separately)
mid-leaf cells:
LENGTH 50-65 (mean 57.3, median 56.9);
WIDTH 31.3-42.5 (mean 36.9, median 36.9);
n = 6 cells - 1 leaf
Mid-leaf cells: length 32.5 to 57.5 (med 44.4, n 6); width 27.5 to 40.0 (med 38.8)
UPDATE: Feb. 24 2021 - deeply lobed under leaves; added some scope pics (image #6+) and took some msmts - mid-leaf cells: LENGTH 35.0-62.5 (x 45.5, median 43.1); 27.5-42.5 (x 35.0, median 36.3); n = 18 cells - 3 leaves, 6 cells per
original post > 10-15-20--1039b; downed log, pond edge, with Barbilophozia attentuata (gemmiferous shoots stand out from the BARB ATTE); no perianths found in small sample - Syzygiella vs. Jungermannia I suspect ... revisit in 2021
Location confirmed by targeted search by park staff (Kelly Scott and Tammy Dobbie) based on location information from discovery by Allan Fretz in 2018. Located within fenced demonstration garden area in front of Visitor Centre.
On rock in stream, furthest north I've ever seen it.
central leaf cells (n = 8):
Length= 49.7 mean (51.3 median); 35.0 to 62.5
Width= 34.5 (33.8); 30.0 to 41.3
mid-leaf cells (micrometres):
Length: 51.3 (med), 55.5 (mean), 42.5-78.8
Width: 37.5 (med), 37.3(mean), 30.0-41.3
n=7 cells (3 leaves)
some minor trigones
8 central leaf cells:
Length= 55.9 mean (55.0 median); 40.0 to 70.0
Width= 32.5 (34.1); 25.0 to 42.5
found on Pellia sample; in spray zone of small waterfall; leaves longer than wide (thus ruling our C. muelleriana); amphigastria deeply lobed and acute; I couldn't see more than 3 cells between amphigastria sinus and its base but view was obscured by rhizoids; leaves not crowded on stem, which approached 2.5 mm wide
12-11-20--5; keyed to Genus fine via Ireland and Bellolio-Trucco 1987 but only option w bilobed underleaves was meulleriana thus did some online sleuthing (key in Hong 1990, Bryologist); leaves incubous, entire; underleaves similar width as stem and deeply bilobed w frequent protrusion = best fit C. fissa subsp. (N.A.) neogaea.
Additional info: 10 mid-leaf cells (from three leaves) -- length 30.0-72.5 μm (med 56.3, mean 53.9) X width 22.5-47.5 μm (med 31.3, mean 33.3); added image of leaf cells, don't see any obvious cell wall thickenings (trigones) which should be present I believe (but I have no reference to compare).
Propagules in outer leaf axils, distinct morphology matches P. distichaceum
Leaves asymmetric
+4 dupes
Revisit to supplement voucher 6-28-22---2 (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/124391782) to determine if propagule presence has increased; yes, very abundant
Last image habitat
Damp granite in deep, narrow ravine with perennial stream
P. subfalcatum: Li et al. (2015). Phylogenetic relationships and species delimitation among the taxa with propagula in Pseudotaxiphyllum (Plagiotheciaceae, Bryophyta). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 53:179–190. P. distichaceum "distributed in Asia and Oceania"
Organic bank above spring creek
Clustered "twining" propagules at stem tips were obvious w 10x loupe
Abundant propagules
1 + 4 dupes
Found growing on a shoe in the shade of a spruce tree
Uncommon throughout the woodlot. Capsules exceed 4mm (C. dendroides capsules max out at 4mm)