This is a water bird sitting on a buoy. It could be trying to hunt or just taking a rest. It looks all black, but couldn't be a crow. It looks slightly smaller than a crow but bigger than a blackbird. Since it's neck is longer and curved, it could be a water-fowl. It sat on the buoy for about an hour.
While in the middle of an enormous squirrel monkey and capuchin troop (over 100 individuals) one monkey decided to come down and get a closer look at me.
Found in a field under a rock.
this is a common weed along roadsides
Duck found near dike pathway, this individual was moving slowly, and nearly constantly tipped forward with its head underwater.
This is a water bird sitting on a buoy. It could be trying to hunt or just taking a rest. It looks all black, but couldn't be a crow. It looks slightly smaller than a crow but bigger than a blackbird. Since it's neck is longer and curved, it could be a water-fowl. It sat on the buoy for about an hour.
Found growing in the shaded oak and bay woodland.
Gravid female.
There is an old homestead near this observation. My best guess is that it was planted by the old residents. Of course non-native to California.
Jason Sharp;
Sawgrass Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Growing out of the side barn door.
Found in a field under a rock.
This plant doesn't look very interesting, but it's a living fossil!
Flower about the diameter of a pencil eraser.
pretty sure this is a female Barred Becard
It is my steady single male Calypte anna. Perching on the same few northern branches of an Oak tree, approximately 2 meters above ground.
THis morning I got to spend over an hour with this little fist fellow and observe him as he protected his territory from other two passing thru hummingbirds and even once he challenged one very loud mature Carpodacus mexicanus and one breeding mature spizella passerina that dare to perch on top of his brenches.
Unusual to see a loon on a heavily wooded river