FWL = 13 mm
aspen forest
This specimen was photographically identified by David W Droppers as Lobophora magnoliatoidata; however Ferris et. al. notes these two names as synonymous for the same species, and there is a note in BugGuide: "Lobophora magnoliatoidata have also nearly identical DNA matches to nivigerata - probably same species". Both BugGuide and Moth Photographer's have separate entries with different Hodges numbers for the two. I chose to put this under nivigerata for no reason other than that is by far the most common selection in iNat.
Seems like this vs Lobophora nivigerata, open to thoughts.
Attracted to UV lights. First seen around 4:30 AM. Photographed later
Only one species in this genus in North America according to Pohl and Nanz 2023.