large thick very rough textured basal leaves in a rosette. yellow flowers on long stalk.
Leathery leaves that are long, revolute margins, fern-like divisions in leaves. Smell sweet.
Palmate leaves at the end of thick stem. Peduncle with scar at the end of where flower or fruit was.
Palmately compound leaves, obovate.
8 feet tall, white silky hairs near leaf base. Rigid reddish stem. leaves 2-4 cm wide.
Leaves are reddish tint. Seed head has about three branches. Long white hairs on stem.
Leaf blades 5-12 cm long, not longer. Drupes red but turn very dark and shriveled when dry
Arcuate leaf venation. Whorled, oval pointed leaves. Cluster of red berries.
Found in a bog, bundles of 10-20 soft and light green needles. Not spiky.
Round leaves on surface of water. Leaf Red under, green on top. Flowers with white petal on a thin stalk from lakebed several feet