Growing in disturbed miombo woodland in clayish loam soil.
Tree c. 4 m tall. Leaves whorled, digitately compound, glabrous above, tomentose below. Fruits ovoid, tomentose.
Growing in Chipya woodland with tall grasses in sandy loam soil.
Erect perennial herb up to 50 cm tall, unbranched. Leaves elliptic to oblanceolate, up to 11 x 3 cm. Inflorescence terminal, solitary capitula on a stalk up to 7 cm long.. Florets purple fading to, white.
Growing in open miombo woodland in sandy loam soil.
Upright annual up to 1 m tall. Leaves ovate to broadly lanceolate, up to 10 x 3.5 cm. Capitula solitary on stalks up to 11 cm long, capitula 5-7. Florets reddish-purple.
Growing in open miombo woodland in sandy loam soil.
Upright perennial herb up to 50 cm tall branching in middle. Leaves oblanceolate, up to 14 x 2 mm. Inflorescences terminal and axillary. Flowers whitish with bluish to purple highlights.
Growing in disturbed woodland area on sandy (Kalahari) soil around homesteads.
Suffrutex up to 3 cm tall, multi-stemmed. Leaves alternate, elliptic to oblong. Inflorescences axillary. Fruit a capsule, three lobed with 2 horny projections per lobe.
Growing in disturbed woodland area on sandy (Kalahari) soil around homesteads.
Growing on small riverine forest fringe along the Lunzua River in sandy loam soil.