Growing on a windfallen Beilschmeidia tawa tree. Quite common, both on the tree and fallen on the ground. Old fruiting bodies with a younger one still on the standing trunk. Orange line below pilleus surface. 33rd NZ NZ Fungal Foray.
Native bush, mears track. Brown banded fungus. Felt chalky underneath when I scratched it and it felt firm but full of water. Didn't colour change on damage, just went wet.
In ashley gorge, native mixed species forest. Growing at the base of a bank
In Ashley forest (mixed tree species). Growing from a bank.
I can't decide if these look more like m. masonii or m. violaceonigra
Cocoa bolete
Ōtari Wilton’s Bush, plant collection garden. Growing under planted Nothofagus solandri. Very maggoty.
Collected some of the maggots and they have gone to Te Papa for identification. See
Ōtari Wilton’s Bush, plant collection garden. Growing in wood mulched garden.