Stromata extremely small, 2.7-5.9mm, on decorticate oak. Ascospores (9.2) 9.8 - 11.4 (11.8) × (4.8) 4.9 - 5.7 (6.1) µm
with a straight, spore length germ slit. Asci (spore-bearing part) 85 µm. Apical plug inverted hat-shaped, blue in iodine.
This tiny, striking Xylaria species, with its nearly naked perithecia, has become the poster child for Xylariaceae research in Los Cedros. Roo and I thought they looked a bit like these in cross section:
These are Kodama, the forest spirits of Japanese folklore, as portrayed by Hayao Miyazaki in his epic 1997 film, Princess Mononoke.
This is likely the first record of X. tucumanensis from anywhere outside Argentina, and as such, significantly extends the species’ known range.
Read more about this enigmatic Xylaria and check out an extensive key to the genus for northern Argentina in the following paper:
Substrate: corticate standing dead wood (post), ~3 cm diam (same as Observation 264296)
Habitat: Northwest Andean montane forest (NT0145)
Collector(s): D. Newman & R. Vandegrift
Collection #: RLC1378
Photomicrography and molecular data forthcoming
in the running for the longest Xylaria I have ever seen at over 20cm long. the balcony ledge I was using as a backdrop was hardly big enough for it.
Substrate: decorticate wood, 7 cm diam; same substrate as previous collection 2 years ago (?)
Habitat: Northwest Andean montane forest (NT0145)
Collector(s): R. Vandegrift
Collection #: RLC1439
Photomicrography and molecular data forthcoming
Substrate: fallen, corticate, moss-covered log
Habitat: Northwest Andean montane forest (NT0145)
Collectors: D. Newman & R. Vandegrift
Collection #: RLC1217
Photomicrography and molecular data forthcoming
RLC984; Collected by Bitty Roy, Dan Thomas, Danilo Simba; Substrate: wood; See small mushroom on wood.
RLC633 Photo by Jesse McAlpine; used with permission. Collected by Jesse McAlpine
RLC1090 Collected by Bitty Roy, Dan Thomas and Danilo Simba
Substrate: dead citrus tree
Habitat: Northwest Andean montane forest (NT0145)
Collector(s): D. Newman & R. Vandegrift
Collection #: RLC1364
Photomicrography and molecular data forthcoming