Pluteus observed in the Mangemangeroa Reserve - Pluteus Sect. Celluloderma on wood (cf. terricola)

Horak’ describes Pluteus terricola from soil.

I have observed two species with a pileipellis of subglobse to ellipsoid cells however they differ in appearance in the field, in substrate preference and in microscopic features. This species which is found on wood more closely matches the described Pluteus terricola but it is unlikely that it is this species.

Description: The cap of this species is a uniform rich-brown colour with a slightly raised centre and with wrinkling in raised ridges over the cap surface. It grows on wood and can be up to 2.5 cm in diameter. The gills are cream-pink with a concolorous gill margin. The stipe is cream with tan hints.

Abundance: Occasionally observed in the Mangemangeroa Reserve.

Acknowledgement: J.A. Cooper

Posted on April 22, 2019 10:56 PM by codfish codfish


Photos / Sounds


Deer Mushrooms (Genus Pluteus)




October 26, 2016


This small Pluteus species (Section Celluloderma) is rarely seen in this reserve. The cap is a uniform warm-brown colour and has wrinkling in raised ridges over the cap surface. The gills are free, cream turning pink with a concolorous gill margin. The stipe is creamy-tan and is not pruinose. This fruit body was 2.3 cm in diameter x 2.3 cm in height. On rotting fallen log in remnant mature coastal broadleaf forest.

Photos / Sounds


Deer Mushrooms (Genus Pluteus)




November 29, 2015


This small Pluteus species (Section Celluloderma) is rarely seen in this reserve. The cap is a uniform warm-brown colour and has wrinkling in raised ridges over the cap surface. The gills are free, cream turning pink with a concolorous gill margin. The stipe is creamy-tan and is not pruinose. This fruit body was 2.5 cm in diameter x 2.5 cm in height. On rotting fallen log in remnant mature coastal broadleaf forest.


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