Journal archives for September 2018

September 23, 2018

Hyla versicolor/chrysoscelis in Missouri

There are numerous images of Hyla species posted for Missouri, and H. versicolor cannot be distinguished from H. chrysoscelis based on images alone. Auditory evidence (or DNA evidence) is required to confirm the species. A good discussion of call differences can be found at

I am aware of two sources available on the web providing information about the distribution of the two species, Missouri Fish and Wildlife Information System ( and the Missouri Herpetological Atlas Project (, which appears to be down at the time of this writing 9/23/2018). I have attempted to compile the information into a single graphic.

I do not have any direct knowledge of the validity of either assessment of the distributions. Distributions generated from observations on iNaturalist are suspect, since observations confirmed by identification from images are suspect (in my opinion).

There is an option to ID these observations as "Complex Hyla versicolor - Gray Tree Frog Complex". Start typing Hyla versicolor to suggest an ID and select the option with "Complex Gray Tree Frog Complex" as the common name. The scientific name will appear to be Hyla versicolor until you select the complex and the ID field will return the complex.

Any information clarifying the distributions of the two species in Missouri would be appreciated. Also, if anyone detects errors in the maps provided in this post, based on your knowledge of the two sources, I would be happy to correct them. I will not, however, attempt to correct the maps outside of possible transcription errors that I have introduced in producing the maps.

Posted on September 23, 2018 06:20 PM by lfelliott lfelliott | 6 comments | Leave a comment

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