How do I use iNaturalist?

iNat provides a platform for me to share (and most importantly--keep organized) my observations and learn from people around the world. As a biologist and naturalist, I am interested in seeing and trying to understand variation: thus the repeated nature of my photos. When I get help with difficult groups (eg, Pleurothallis), I feel compelled to get more data/more photos to illuminate variation within a species or other grouping. I do not get bored with submitting many of the same species...On the contrary, this provides to me endless satisfaction and contemplation.

Posted on June 21, 2018 02:15 AM by rudygelis rudygelis


I'm totally with you -- I find that spending time on iNat is by far more satisfying than wasting time on other social networks. It's amazing to see the biodiversity around the world and even around my small corner of it. :)

Posted by sambiology over 6 years ago

Me too. I love iNat. I learn a lot using it and make great connections with like-minded people, plus it is a really good use of the photos I collect. I love it when my photos make various specialists happy, and the reciprocal, when someone posts something I am particularly interested in. It has been a wonderful tool for teaching field biology and a really useful tool for documenting places like Reserva Los Cedros. Right now since traveling is not possible, it makes me happy to see what others post from the places I love.

Posted by bit over 4 years ago

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