Alex N.

Joined: May 27, 2018 Last Active: Feb 27, 2024 iNaturalist Canada

When I am not at school I like to take pictures of animals, mostly Birds. I go to the school that @swampy teaches at with my friend, @awt_s. There's something about hiking in the forest and sitting in a chair watching the Birds come and go that's just very peaceful in the mind. I visit places such as the Macoun Marsh, Mud Lake, and the Mer Bleue Bog Trail. I truly believe that there is a plethora of nature in these places. If you know where to look, you can find countless species. You don't need to go to the most bio-diverse places in the world to find species, just look outside, and explore. I encourage fellow students and Naturalists to visit these places and many others. I am so excited to share my observations with all of iNaturalist!

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