Joined: Mar 9, 2016 Last Active: Sep 14, 2024 iNaturalist
I have been interested in nature and photography all of my life, and I have specialized in freshwater fishes of Mexico since I was a little boy. I created and work as editor of two internet sites: the Cichlid Room Companion ( dealing with all cichlids, online since 1996, and Freshwater Fishes of Mexico (, online since 2013. Since 1998 I have also studied the cactus of the southern Chihuahua desert. For most of my life, I have taken pictures of nature, mainly of fish and cacti. In 2015, after I bought a proper lens, I was finally able to get into bird photography, a dream of mine, and I have enjoyed photographing and learning about birds since.
I enjoy iNaturalist and I believe it is a great learning and citizen science tool