Ryan P. O'Donnell

Joined: Mar 30, 2019 Last Active: Apr 22, 2024 iNaturalist Australia

I'm Ryan P. O'Donnell and I'm a fungal and plant evolutionary biology PhD student at the Australian National University (Canberra). My current research is focused on understanding the evolution of the Australian terrestrial orchid flora and associated mycorrhizal funga. I am also investigating species level questions in Pterostylis (predominantly the 'Bunochilus' group i.e. P. sect. Squamatae) and the Ceratobasidiaceae.

I hold a Master of Scientific Studies (Biodiversity Science) from the University of New England where my research focused on systematics and species delimitation in Prostanthera (Lamiaceae), a genus which is still a primary research interest of mine.

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