
Hello folks!

I find islands to be curious and interesting places in terms of their local ecosystems, and I'm always interested to know how their communities are assembled and who ends up visiting or living there. Raccoon Island is a nice mix of infrequently visited by humans, accessible, and of manageable size, so I've been particularly interested in learning about its ecology.

I just made this little project as a convenient way to keep track of the island's wildlife and to see who else is checking things out there.

If you do visit the island, please do not leave any synthetic trash behind or remove any of the native species, be very mindful of where you're walking at all times, and remember that camping and campfires are prohibited. It's a lovely and curious little place and we should work together to keep it that way.

Posted on June 6, 2023 04:10 PM by guerrichache guerrichache


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