Didn't realize what geoprivacy meant!

Hi all,

I realized today that I really shouldn't be marking most of my observations as "private"! I inferred that since most of my observations were on private property owned by the federal government, I should be marking them as private with regard to the geoprivacy option when uploading, as in "These were found on private property and you can't come take a look at them yourself without trespassing!"

Of course, when you actually take the time to read, you can learn a lot and I learned that this isn't what the designation is used for! And here I was wondering why I'd occasionally get comments asking for the location of my observations; you mean you can't see where I took a photo when I inadvertently set the location to be obscured? Preposterous!

So now I'm in the process of running through all of my obs and changing their "private" status to "open". This is a hassle with 800+ observations, but it's certainly better that I caught this now than five years down the road! Sincere apologies to everyone who's ID'ed my obs without having a location to reference it to!


Posted on October 25, 2020 11:36 PM by ambruscoe ambruscoe


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