Christopher Stephens

Joined: Sep 26, 2015 Last Active: Oct 23, 2024 iNaturalist NZ

An enthusiast of New Zealand's flora and fauna, with a camera, living in Wellington but always travelling. Particularly like birds, geckos and skinks, orchids, moths and butterflies, then other flowering natives, fungi, and really just about anything. No formal expertise.

I like the idea of people actually making use of my photos, so have licensed them openly. Wouldn't turn down support to take me places, to take more photos (and so to make openly available more photos of more species). Could help on field trips, bioblitz's, etc.

Looking forward to a predator free NZ, including changes to societal attitudes around cats and dogs.

Backcaptured lizards, bugs, fungi, etc to early 2018 when I bought a macro lens, with a few more from 2017 sporadically backcaptured.


Photographic wishlist 2021 results:

Photographic wishlist 2022 results (noting that the 2022 year ends in Jan 2023 after my summer holiday. But also 2023 begins when you'd expect it to. No questions, I make the rules here):

Photographic wishlist 2023 results:

Photographic wishlist 2024

Unsuccessful/rollovers to 2024 (some of these becoming rather long term!):

  • either bat
  • a native frog [will hopefully get to the Coromandel this year!]
  • Thismia [will try Mount Pirongia for sure this year!]
  • New Zealand Mole Cricket (Triamescaptor aotea)
  • Runcina katipoides
  • Bluff Wētā
  • Aciphylla hookeri

Specific moths:
-- Meterana grandiosa [could try National Park in winter since I found Meterana exquisita there] - SUCCESS!!!! 2024-06-02:
-- Meterana pauca - SUCCESS!!! 2024-01-17:
-- Meterana tartarea [need to go up a mountain circa April] - FAIL: investigated a lot of Wellington Region and Central North Island shrublands but nope.
-- Protosynaema steropucha - SUCCESS! 2024-02-07:
-- Maoritenes cyclobathra - SUCCESS! 2024-03-31:
-- a Vinicia saltmarsh moth
-- Sabulopteryx botanica - SUCCESS! (well, still want the adult though) 2024-06-23:
-- Eumetriochroa aethalota - SUCCESS! (Mines only though) 2024-06-26:
-- Raukaua Leaf Miner Moth (Eumetriochroa panacivermiforma) - SUCCESS! (Mines only though) 2024-07-26:
-- Eumetriochroa aellomacha - SUCCESS! (Mines only though) 2024-07-26:
-- Ichneutica peridotea - SUCCESS! 2024-07-20:
-- Ichneutica dundastica
-- Nola parvitis

  • Of course, get to 800 Butterflies and Moths!
  • Red Bearded Orchid (Calochilus paludosus)
  • Bulbophyllum tuberculatum - SUCCESS! 2024-04-21:
  • Algidia viridata
  • Scree Lobelia (Lobelia roughii)
  • Acropsopilio neozelandiae
  • Pretzel Slime Mold (Hemitrichia serpula)
  • Cattle Egret (Bubulcus coromandus) - just need to do a Whangaehu recce next time someone's going to Whanganui
  • Mokomoko a Tohu (Hoplodactylus tohu) - one of the few things on Mana Island I have yet to see!

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