
Joined: Jun 28, 2022 Last Active: Sep 2, 2024 iNaturalist

I try to balance my enthusiasm for all things natural with my wife's less-consuming passion. Historically I am a frog man, but age has tempered my compulsions and contrarily given me more of a desire for self-preservation, and I'm no longer as adventurous as I used to be. Thankfully, there's an abundance of natural curiosities wherever one travels, so I generally find plenty of things to photograph. I particularly love photographing the 'little things' - the ones that many people eschew in favour of the bigger, more glamorous critters.

Worryingly, there's been an obvious decline in the abundance and variety of invertebrates since I was younger. This is even more evident in the tropics, where I'd describe it as nothing less than catastrophic. This doesn't bode well for the future.

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