Finlay F. K. Thorpe

Joined: Dec 8, 2022 Last Active: Oct 5, 2024 Natusfera

I am a naturalist, applied botanist, and palm worker from the arid southeast of Iberia. I'm especially interested in Xeric, Mediterranean Climate, halophytic, and Pine-Oak plant communities and ecosystems, especially those found around the Mediterranean Basin, and with a large interest for the arid landscapes of Western North America aswell. I work in general agroenviromental and landscaping work, so I have a lot of expierience with handling plants, and I'm currently studying Forestry and Enviromental management and plan to continue studying Agroenviromental Engineering. I have a general interest in botany and biogeography, agroforestry, native landscaping, and water infrastructure.

Interests and points of study:
-Biodiversirty, biogeography and taxonomy of the genus Phoenix, with special interest in the circum-mediterranean taxa. As well as the history of cultivation of Phoenix spp. (especially Ph. dactylifera) and the development and spread of oasis agriculture. And the cultivation and development of new agriculural and ornamental cultivars and hybrids.
-The ecology and biodiversity of Pinus-Quercus ecoystems. And the taxonomy and diversity of the families involved (e.g. Cupressaceae, Arbutoidae.)
-Biogeography and ecology of Chamaerops humilis.
-Olea europaea biodiversity, biogeography, history, and cultivation, and relationships with other Olea spp.
-The history, cultivation, and biogeography of Ficus carica.
-Endemic flora of the Ibero-maghreb.
-Ecology of matorral and chaparral ecosystems and their woodland equivalents.
-Crocodylians, in specific, Old World African crocs with an emphasis of Crocodylus suchus and the relation of its range to the "Green Sahara".
-Arabian Aloes, and the northernly expansion of this genus.
-Biodiversirty of Lamiaceaes and their ecological roles in dry matorral ecosystems.
-Amature interest in local hymenoptera, especialy Polistes spp. and the family Mutillidae.

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