

Update #1 The work is underway

Out of the 20 target species, 8 have now been observed. As we're nearing the end of the flowering season, it is unlikely that new taxa will be added to the project this year (with the exception of Bonatea porrecta and perhaps Habenaria schimperiana), but more observations and localities will still be coming in especially for the Bonateas.

So the first year of general surveys and locality identification has been quite succesful. Next year the main focus will still be the identification of new localities, particularly for species not yet observed. And a start will be made on systematic assessment of key populations.

The job is afoot!

Posted on March 26, 2018 09:39 AM by caspervanzyl caspervanzyl | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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The aim of this project is to collect all observations of the genera Habenaria and Bonatea from Gauteng in one place so as to have data readily available for a book on his oft-missed and wildly underrated orchids. The book will include a key for the species in the region, habitat descriptions, ecological notes, survey data on population size/health, data on pollination/pollinators and ...more ↓

caspervanzyl created this project on February 18, 2018
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