Third mothing night of the year!

Last week was windy and rainy. More rain is expected this week, but Thursday looks to be nice. Let's plan to meet at Thunderbird Chapel on Hwy 9 east of Norman at 8 pm on Thursday, May 30.

I hope to see some of you there!

If you have questions, send me a message or give me a call.

(405) 308-8972

Posted on May 28, 2019 01:38 PM by zdufran zdufran


We had FIFTEEN people come to our 3rd mothing night! You can read about it here. I have listed as many moths as I could from that night and I have more than 60 species on my list. It was definitely a record-setting night. I'm looking forward to seeing many of these people at our future mothing nights.

Posted by zdufran over 5 years ago

Here is the list I compiled, using mainly the common names:

Scarlet Lichen
Painted Lichen
Euclea incisa
Shagreened slug
Green Cloverworm
Julia Idia
Walnut Sphinx
Large lace border
Grass tubeworm
Elegant grass veneer
Eastern grass veneer
Black shaded platynota
Fruit tree leaf roller
Hollow spotted blepharomastix
Desmia sp.
Banded/Sycamore Tussock
Red bordered wave
One spotted variant
Thelma’s agonopterix
Grateful Midget
Sculptured Moth
Small Baileya
Small necklace
White roped Glaphyria
Confused eusarca
Forest tent
Snowy Urola
Waterlily leafcutter
Red banded leafroller
Dwarf tawny wave
Cloaked marvel
Spotted peppergrass
Yellow fringed dolichomia
White speck
Celery Leaftier
The gem
Common pug
Yellow-veined moth
Dark litter moth with scalloped wings
White spring moth
Grapevine Looper
Bluegrass Webworm
Evergreen bagworm
Fall Webworm
Yellow winged oak leafroller
Black banded owlet
Dotted Leaftier
Two banded petrophila
Tetanolita sp.
Gray archips
Yellow shouldered slug
Sympistis dinalda
Coleophora sp.
Unidentified white geometrid
Common or porcelain gray
Florida Tetanolita
Dusky Raisin

Posted by zdufran over 5 years ago

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