It is bigger than that

Global food production and agricultural economies rely critically on the role of pollinators. A significant amount of the global food supply from crops, providing human essential critical nutrients, is pollinator dependent. Successful pollination and fruit set for many fruit, vegetable, and nuts rely on pollinators. There are non-food products derived from plant sources such as fibers, dyes, and medicines that are pollinator-dependent and their diversity is pollinator driven. With an estimated 200,000 to 350,000 pollinator species, the value of their services is estimated to be in the hundreds of billions of dollars of annual agricultural output worldwide. Conservation of pollinators directly correlates with the assurance of food security, enhancement of dietary variety, and improvement of public health results. Through the protection of pollinator populations and the encouragement of sustainable agricultural methods and strengthen agricultural productivity , we can bolster food security, advance nutritional outcomes, and diminish the threat of malnutrition and food insecurity, and perpetuate rural means of living.

It goes beyond that when one considers the critical health and resilience of ecosystems through water purification, soil stabilization, and carbon sequestration is provided for by pollinator-dependent services.

The conservation of pollinators is closely aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly goals related to zero hunger, good health and well-being, climate action, life on land, and partnerships for the goals. By prioritizing pollinator conservation within broader development agendas, governments can contribute to achieving multiple SDGs simultaneously, fostering synergies between environmental conservation, poverty alleviation, and social equity.

Posted on May 16, 2024 08:06 PM by bobmcd bobmcd



Posted by beespeaker 5 months ago

Thanks for setting up this project, Bob. I think I will focus my efforts on the Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary (Victoria) and see how many pollinators I can find there. Looking forward to this.

Posted by burljantzen 5 months ago

Excellent @burljantzen !

Posted by bobmcd 5 months ago

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