Photos / Sounds


Texas Cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus)


May 29, 2017 02:05 PM CDT


Caught with a fly pole and small lure in a dwindling "pond" of water at the greenbelt. Small pool was filled with lepomis species and some bass.

Photos / Sounds


Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi)


April 2016


Texas, US (Google, OSM)


Subspecies: Pseudemys c. gorzugi
iPhone lat/long: 30°26'43" 101°43'24"
Walking up Pecos River/Independence Creek intersection, following behind three other people who stepped right over it. I then stopped it before I stepped on it. Male. 13.5cm. Also uploaded picture of habitat. Very shallow, ankle deep, fast flowing water. Rocky area, his shell was blending in as a rock.

Photos / Sounds


Copperheads, Cottonmouths, and Cantils (Genus Agkistrodon)


May 25, 2016 02:05 PM CDT


Initially was watching a green anole jump around on the top of this fallen log, I was about to step closer to the anole and right before I did I scanned the surroundings and noticed this copperhead's head peeking out from this log. I would have stepped right into striking distance if I hadn't taken a better look first. The snake continued to sun just the head and didn't come out anymore. I passed the area again about 10 minutes later and the snake had retreated it's head more but was still barely peeking out.

Photos / Sounds


Eastern Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus collaris)


March 25, 2017 10:10 AM CDT


Was flipping many rocks on hill slide of Bamberger Ranch Preserve and as I approached a rather larger rock, i flipped towards me and underneath the flat surface revealed this lizard trying to stay warm. Lizard and I were both in shock and I quickly reached down to grab lizard, and missed! This lizard then ran about 5 feet to the right near another rock, I chased it, and it ran back underneath the same initial rock. I was then able to reflip the rock and catch the lizard with my hands. It was not a very happy lizard as it was ready to bite anything that went near it's mouth.

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