Game plan for Pollinator BioBlitz and the Lake Arlington Survey

I am gearing up for my run for the pollinator BioBlitz. Tomorrow I am going to be at Fish Creek Pavilion giving a talk on iNaturalist to help get more people in on how to use the site. This is a program I am doing with Been City Arlington. I have finished up my power point and all ready to present. So far only three people have signed up for our event. That will help if we have a small group then I can work more one-on-one with the folks that show up to help better. I am going to be doing a lot over the next two weeks with the two week long BioBlitz; perhaps the biggest thing is going to be on the 16th of this month.

There is a new lake project at Lake Arlington that is about to be opened as an education and learning area for school and academia groups. I will be heading there when the time opens and will be out with most of my gear. I will have my sweep net, scope, insect catching bag, and most of the other stuff. Being a new area to me and being a new area to explore to the fullest I am going to try and stay out most of the day. I am very close to 17,000 observations with any luck in these two weeks I will be able to surpass that. The Texas Pollinator BioBlitz had opened today however it has been raining all day here.

I have went out in my yard and checked a few of the flowers but I was not successful at turning up anything. I am hoping that tomorrow workshop fairs better. In my lecture I am also going to help our trainees get some observation time in. I will be helping get new accounts set up for our guests. It is going to be most interesting to do this in a group other than school. I have been thinking about my plan of action for this BioBlitz. Most of the time I plan ahead for every BioBlitz. The CNC this year I did have some what of a game plan but not in full during the Master Naturalist Social Distance BioBlitz my plan was kind of iffy.

However, this BioBlitz is one I need to focus on. One of our sub-objectives is to get more bee observations. Not just observations but more bee species. I have been doing a lot of research and working up to this point I have seen quite a few bees. I have been walking around a TCC South and TCC Southeast and exploring our native plant gardens and around the ponds for different Pollinators. I have been very successful locating some species of sweat bees and other pollinators. I have added at least one new species to my own counts but I am not sure about some of the other counts. I have been focusing on gathering new species data. This is just for Tarrant County. I am hoping to help our group shed some light on our bees so we can better promote native bees in this area. I am hoping to find more species as this time progresses.

I will be making a few more runs to Lake Arlington at Richard Simpson Park which has a nice patch of some flowers that are covered in pollinators right now. I am also seeing a lot of the Marsh Fleabane and the Goldenrod coming up in many places. I am looking forward to seeing the data that we gather. The new area is the one place I am most interesting to explore. Being an area with little to no foot traffic this will be a great place to study some of the local wildlife. Richard Simpson and Bowman Springs are so heavily congested and Richard Simpson seems to be the only place on the lake that seems to have the highest level of wildlife.

Lake Arlington in recent years has become a place of interest. I have seen many species that often don't show up in this area. I have had one recently that is called the Orange-spotted Flower Moth. I am interested in the species counts at the lake too. After they tore down the Yacht Club that was in terrible disarray for years it seemed that much of the wildlife started to show up. Being in part that new areas which had been previously closed are now open. This has been the case for a few years now. I am hoping that this new area has some good rewards. I am not sure what to expect to find. I am looking forward to looking at all the pollinator strongholds and looking for some bird species too. Since the migration season is also ramping up too it will be good to explore some of these other types of wildlife in the area too.

Posted on October 2, 2021 01:46 AM by galactic_bug_man galactic_bug_man


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