Loss of a Great Friend, and one of the Greatest iNaturalists, BJ Stacey, a.k.a. finatic

This morning came the sad news that BJ Stacey, iNaturalist extraordinaire from San Diego county, had succumbed to the disease he had been fighting for the past five years. I am heartbroken for all of us, and for the cause of nature itself.

Posted on February 26, 2022 02:45 AM by gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon


I'm so sorry to hear it Jennifer. I cherish the one trip to SE Arizona I got to take with BJ. He made it one of the best experiences on iNat I've ever had. An amazing soul.

Posted by muir over 2 years ago

It has been rough-going since I found out yesterday afternoon.

Posted by biohexx1 over 2 years ago

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