Fumitories of North America

Fumaria is usually considered a difficult genus as far as identification is concerned. It is mainly due to the small size of the characters that are useful for the identification and for the fact that often both flowers and fruits are needed.
On the basis of the observations of fumitories from North America, it seems that a revision is needed in order to clarify:
1) the taxa that are present in North America
2) their actual distribution

I would be happy to try to help those iNat users that would like to get more insight into the identification of fumitories.

Here it is a brief list of characters tat are needed for the identification of fumitories.

1) corolla color, shape and length
2) upper petal shape
3) sepals shape and size (length and width)
4) dry fruit shape and size (length and width)
5) pedicel shape (stright, spreading or reflexed) and length at frutification
6) bract length and bract/pedicel ratio
7) flowers number for each inflorescence
8) peduncle/inflorescence ratio
9) leaflets shape

  • characters 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 should be measured and photographed with a linen tester or a stereomicroscope and a sheet of millimeter paper
  • fruits shape (surface smooth or rugose; overall shape) should be evaluated when fruits are dry. To do this, just put an infructescence in a paper bag or let it dry with some kitchen paper inside a book.

This post represents an example of how a Fumaria should be photographed for its identification:

Among those fumitories found in North America F. capreolata (reflexed fruiting pedicels, sepals broader than corolla, fruits almost smooth) is the one that poses less problems for its identification. On the other hand, some pink-flowered fumitories are, somehow, more difficult to identify and many of them may be misidentied as F. officinalis.

Lidén, M. 1986. Synopsis of Fumarioideae (Papaveraceae) with a monograph of the tribe Fumarieae. Opera Botanica 88: 1-133.
Lidén, M. 1986b. Fumaria L. In S. Castroviejo & al. (eds.): Flora Iberica 1: 447-467.

Please feel free to forward this post to all who may be concerned.

Posted on February 10, 2018 11:42 AM by italopithecus italopithecus


Posted by truthseqr over 6 years ago

This is very helpful. Thank you!

Posted by izaj over 6 years ago

Got it. Thanks for putting @ in the comments

Posted by damontighe over 6 years ago

Thank you @blue_celery. I'm tagging @tiggrx @qgroom and @lisa_bennett even though they aren't in the US since they add IDs here sometimes, along with @metsa who has several Fumaria observations. :-)

Posted by carrieseltzer over 6 years ago

Thanks for tagging me :) I wouldn’t be confident in IDing fumitories past genus, but it’s always good to learn more!

Posted by lisa_bennett over 6 years ago

We've recently created an umbrella project for Fumatories in the United States with subprojects for each species:

Posted by truthseqr over 4 years ago

Thanks for all this work. I am still a mere beginner in plant ID, but this sort of detailed guide provides hand-holds for we, the naive.

Posted by gyrrlfalcon over 4 years ago

@gyrrlfalcon you're welcome

Posted by italopithecus over 4 years ago

A url address for this post ought to be added to the "About" page on iNat for the genus and/or for the individual species involved.
Go to the "About" tab and click on "Add Link" under "More Info". It probably takes curator status to accomplish this.

Posted by gcwarbler over 4 years ago

sea-kangaroo, could you please add a link for this page to the Fumaria About box? I don't have curator status. Thank you!

Posted by truthseqr over 4 years ago

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