Journal archives for July 2022

July 16, 2022

Inaturalist und Sanktionen der US Regierung

Die Inaturalist App verwendet Google-Maps.
Auf China-Phones wie Huawei sind die Google-Services, aufgrund von Sanktionen, nicht gegeben.
Folglich kann die Inaturalist App die Google-Maps nicht finden.
Um dieses Problem zu umgehen benötigt es magische Tricks.
GSpace ist eine App welche Google-Services auf Huawei-Geräten simulieren kann.
Sobald GSpace installiert ist kann man es öffnen und darin die Inaturalist-App installieren.
Inaturalist findet dann die Google-Maps und läuft, abgesehen von initialer Werbung und ein paar Abstürtzen, normal.
Die GSpace-App für Huawei gibt es unter .

Posted on July 16, 2022 10:59 PM by jokkomarat jokkomarat | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July 18, 2022

Projekt tote Fliege 001 (PTF001)

Ich habe eine tote fliege am Boden gefunden.
Die Fliege habe ich möglichts von allen Seiten fotographiert.
Von oben, unten, links und rechts, vorne. Da die Fliege nicht auf dem Kopf stehen wollte gab es kein Foto von hinten.

Für die weitere Untersuchung wurde die Fliege mit Küchenreiniger eingesprayt und in einem Milchdeckel unter Wasser getaucht, soweit es ging wurden alle Luftblasen entfernt und die Fliege wurde behelfsmässig mit Klebeband vom Rand des Deckels ferngehalten.
So wurde die Fliege eingefroren im Kühlfach.

Das Klebband wurde darauf mit Fingerdruck erwärmt und entfernt.
Die fliege wurde mit ein paar Wassertropfen wiederholt bedeckt und nochmals gefroren.
Der Deckel wurde für die Weitere Untersuchung am Rand aufgeschnitten.
Mit einer Rasierklinge wurde daraufhin eine ebene Fläche auf das Eis geschnitten bis hin zur Fliege.
Wieder wurde die Fliege gefroren.
Nun wurde die Fliege Stück für Stück von oben nach unten herunter geschnitten und nach jedem Schnitt wurde die Fliege wieder gefroren.

Erfahrung dabei:
Es ist besser wenn man einen tiefen Behälter wählt damit das zu untersuchende Objekt auf einem tiefem Sockel aus eis steht welcher nicht von unten weg schmilzt.
Es ist besser wenn man einen Behälter ohne Gewinde und dergleichen wählt damit man das Eis gut herauslösen kann und ohne Hindernis frei durch das Eis schneiden kann.
Es ist sehr empfehlenswert das Objekt nach jedem Schnitt wieder fest zu frieren.
Die Klinge kann in leichten Wipp-Bewegungen durch das Eis geführt werden um das Objekt nicht zu Quetschen sondern zu Schneiden.
Es muss je nach Aussentemperatur relativ rasch gearbeitet werden.
Die Klinge muss nach jedem Schnitt gereinigt werden.

Grosser Sockel aus Eis.
Behälter welcher nach dem frieren leicht abgeschnitten werden kann.
Eine Idee wäre zum Beispiel eine aufgeschnittene 0.5dl Pet-Flasche.
Zur späteren Ausrichtung der Fotos, könnte ein Raster eingebracht werden im Eis. Entweder mit gespannten Haaren oder ein Raster auf Papier welches im Wasser eingebracht und mitgefroren wird.

Achtung iNat lässt nur eine bestimmte Menge Photos pro Observation zu. Am besten wäre es wohl jedes Photo als seperate Observation zu betrachten.

Guter und lehrreicher erster Versuch.
"To be contunued..."


Posted on July 18, 2022 03:49 PM by jokkomarat jokkomarat | 4 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July 19, 2022

Forensic: Taxon-X decompose Taxon-Y

ATTENTION: This project can contain disturbing material !!!

Forensic: Taxon-X decompose Taxon-Y

The goal of this "Forensic" project is, to catalog, which Taxon is decomposing an other Taxon or which Taxon gets decomposed by an otherTaxon, and in which time frame, after death.

Provide, forensic relevant information, about dead Taxon, the process of decomposition, the cause of death, and the suspects, if any.

The project acceps all taxons to be observed as subjects to death, except of viruses.

How ever, in the forensic annotation field, you can specify viruses which cause death as a reason.

Project URL

Project taxon-list URL

Forensic annotation fields

Use the "Forensic:" annotation fields, to annotate, forensic relevant, information.

The forensic annotation fields are sorted, from 1* to 1+*, by relevance and logical sets A to Z.

Forensic annotation fields list URL✓&q=Forensic%3A

The forensic annotation fiels are as following:

Forensic: (A1) Taxon of the dead subject, if known?

Specify the taxon of the dead subject, if known.

Forensic: (A2) Estimated taxon of the dead subject, if unknown?

Specify the estimated taxon of the dead subject, if unknown.

Forensic: (B1) Exact number of dead individuals, if known?

Specify the number of dead individuals, if known.

Forensic: (B2) Estimated number of dead individuals, if unknown?

Specify the estimated number of dead individuals.

Forensic: (C1) Does the scene show an ongoing activity or a trace?

Specify if the the scene show an ongoing activity or a trace.

Forensic: (D1) Taxon of the subject that is decomposing the dead subject, if known?

Specify the taxon of the subject that is decomposing the dead subject, if known.

Forensic: (D2) Estimated taxon of the subject that is decomposing the dead subject, if unknown?

Specify the estimated taxon of the subject that is decomposing the dead subject, if unknown.

Forensic: (E1) Reason for death, if known?

Examples: Accident, Age, Disease, Eaten, Fight, Fire, Injury, Poison, Roadkill, Shot, Trap, ...

Forensic: (E2) Suspected rason for death, if unknown?

Examples: Accident, Age, Disease, Eaten, Fight, Fire, Injury, Poison, Roadkill, Shot, Trap, ...

Forensic: (F1) Exact date of death, if known?

Specify the exact date of death, if known?

Forensic: (F2) Estimated date of death?

Estimate the date of death.

Forensic: (G1) Exact time of death, if known?

Specify the exact time of death, if known.

Forensic: (G2) Estimated time of death?

Estimate the time of death.

Forensic: (H1) Annotations?

Provide useful annotations.

Forensic: (I1) DNA of the dead subject?

Provide the DNA of the dead subject?

Forensic: (I2) DNA of a suspect?

Provide the DNA of a suspect?

Series fields

Use the "Series:" fields to create series of observations.

If you do an observation over a long time, parted into multiple subobservations, you can use the series fields, to bundle your long term observation, into an observation set.

A set can contain multiple stages, of which one is the first main stage of the bundle.

A set has a end stage, which can be the first stage it self.

Between the first stage and the last stage, multiple stages can appear, which you can chain together, with the previous observation and the next observation, to the actual observation.

In that way a user can click the first stage which is the main observation as the start of a set. A user can then jump right away to the end stage or click through all stages, in between the start and the end of the bundle, back and forth.

Series fields list URL:

The series fields are as following:

Series: (1) First stage? (^--Link)

If the observation is part of a series, provide a link to the first stage.

Series: (2) Previous stage? (<--Link)

If the observation is part of a series, provide a link to the previous stage, before the actual stage.

Series: (3) Next stage? (Link-->)

If the observation is part of a series, provide a link to the next stage, after the actual stage.

Series: (4) End stage? (Link--|)

If the observation is part of a series, provide a link to the end stage.

Biological Spatial Ontology (BSPO) fields

An ontology for respresenting spatial concepts, anatomical axes, gradients, regions, planes, sides and surfaces. These concepts can be used at multiple biological scales and in a diversity of taxa, including plants, animals and fungi. The BSPO is used to provide a source of anatomical location descriptors for logically defining anatomical entity classes in anatomy ontologies.

You are invited to apply the "Biological Spatial Ontology (BSPO)"-fields, to any i-Naturalist observation.

Get more information about BSPO:

Browse BSPO:

Provided values of the "Biological Spatial Ontology (BSPO)"-field are as following:

axis adaxial-abaxial
axis animal-vegetal
axis anterior-posterior
axis deep-superficial
axis dorsal-ventral
axis left-right
axis medial-external
axis medial-lateral
axis medial-radial
axis oral-aboral
axis proximal-distal
axis relative to direction of growth apical-basal
axis relative to substrate apical-basal
axis upper-lower
compartment anterior
compartment boundary anterior/posterior
compartment boundary apical/basal
compartment boundary deep/superficial
compartment boundary dorsal/ventral
compartment boundary proximal/distal
compartment boundary upper/lower
compartment dorsal
compartment posterior
compartment ventral
gradient anterior-posterior
gradient apical-basal
gradient deep-superficial
gradient dorsal-ventral
gradient proximal-distal
gradient upper-lower
margin anterior
margin antero-dorsal
margin antero-lateral
margin antero-medial
margin antero-ventral
margin apical
margin basal
margin distal
margin dorsal
margin dorso-lateral
margin dorso-medial
margin lateral
margin medial
margin posterior
margin postero-dorsal
margin postero-lateral
margin postero-medial
margin postero-ventral
margin proximal
margin ventral
margin ventro-lateral
margin ventro-medial
plane horizontal
plane midsagittal
plane parasagittal
plane radial
plane sagittal
plane tangential
plane transverse
region anterior
region anterior-most
region antero-dorsal
region antero-lateral
region antero-medial
region antero-ventral
region apical
region axial
region basal
region central
region contralateral
region deep
region distal
region dorsal
region dorsal-most
region dorso-lateral
region dorso-medial
region ipsilateral
region lateral
region lower
region medial
region peripheral
region posterior
region posterior-most
region postero-dorsal
region postero-lateral
region postero-medial
region postero-ventral
region proximal
region superficial
region upper
region ventral
region ventral-most
region ventro-lateral
region ventro-medial
side anterior
side apical
side axial
side basal
side central
side contralateral
side deep
side distal
side dorsal
side inferior
side ipsilateral
side lateral
side left
side lower
side medial
side peripheral
side posterior
side proximal
side right
side superficial
side superior
side upper
side ventral
surface anterior
surface apical
surface basal
surface contralateral
surface distal
surface dorsal
surface ipsilateral
surface lateral
surface medial
surface posterior
surface proximal
surface ventral

Posted on July 19, 2022 12:07 AM by jokkomarat jokkomarat | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Series as bundeled sets of observations

This project collects entry points to bundeled sets of observations.

Project URL:

Series fields list URL:

Use the "Series:" fields to create series of observations.

If you do an observation over a long time, parted into multiple subobservations, you can use the series fields, to bundle your long term observation, into an observation set.

A set can contain multiple stages, of which one is the first main stage of the bundle.
A set has a end stage, which can be the first stage it self.
Between the first stage and the last stage, multiple stages can appear, which you can chain together, with the previous observation and the next observation, to the actual observation.

In that way a user can click the first stage which is the main observation as the start of a set. A user can then jump right away to the end stage or click through all stages, in between the start and the end of the bundle, back and forth.

The series fields are as following:

Series: (1) First stage? (^--Link)
If the observation is part of a series, provide a link to the first stage.

Series: (2) Previous stage? (<--Link)
If the observation is part of a series, provide a link to the previous stage, before the actual stage.

Series: (3) Next stage? (Link-->)
If the observation is part of a series, provide a link to the next stage, after the actual stage.

Series: (4) End stage? (Link--|)
If the observation is part of a series, provide a link to the end stage.

Posted on July 19, 2022 10:17 AM by jokkomarat jokkomarat | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July 22, 2022

Anatomy section cut through slice slide preparat

ATTENTION: Some content may contains disturbing material.

Anatomy section cut through slice slide preparat:

This project collects sectioning cut-throughs, slices, slides, preparates.

Project URL:

Project checklist URL:

One observation can be a bundle of multiple i-Naturalist observations.
To bundle multiple observations into one set, you can use the "Series:"-fields.

Project URL:

Series fields list URL:

You are invited to apply the "Biological Spatial Ontology (BSPO)"-fields, to any i-Naturalist observation.

Get more information about BSPO:
Browse BSPO:

Provided values of the "Biological Spatial Ontology (BSPO)"-field are as following:

axis adaxial-abaxial
axis animal-vegetal
axis anterior-posterior
axis deep-superficial
axis dorsal-ventral
axis left-right
axis medial-external
axis medial-lateral
axis medial-radial
axis oral-aboral
axis proximal-distal
axis relative to direction of growth apical-basal
axis relative to substrate apical-basal
axis upper-lower
compartment anterior
compartment boundary anterior/posterior
compartment boundary apical/basal
compartment boundary deep/superficial
compartment boundary dorsal/ventral
compartment boundary proximal/distal
compartment boundary upper/lower
compartment dorsal
compartment posterior
compartment ventral
gradient anterior-posterior
gradient apical-basal
gradient deep-superficial
gradient dorsal-ventral
gradient proximal-distal
gradient upper-lower
margin anterior
margin antero-dorsal
margin antero-lateral
margin antero-medial
margin antero-ventral
margin apical
margin basal
margin distal
margin dorsal
margin dorso-lateral
margin dorso-medial
margin lateral
margin medial
margin posterior
margin postero-dorsal
margin postero-lateral
margin postero-medial
margin postero-ventral
margin proximal
margin ventral
margin ventro-lateral
margin ventro-medial
plane horizontal
plane midsagittal
plane parasagittal
plane radial
plane sagittal
plane tangential
plane transverse
region anterior
region anterior-most
region antero-dorsal
region antero-lateral
region antero-medial
region antero-ventral
region apical
region axial
region basal
region central
region contralateral
region deep
region distal
region dorsal
region dorsal-most
region dorso-lateral
region dorso-medial
region ipsilateral
region lateral
region lower
region medial
region peripheral
region posterior
region posterior-most
region postero-dorsal
region postero-lateral
region postero-medial
region postero-ventral
region proximal
region superficial
region upper
region ventral
region ventral-most
region ventro-lateral
region ventro-medial
side anterior
side apical
side axial
side basal
side central
side contralateral
side deep
side distal
side dorsal
side inferior
side ipsilateral
side lateral
side left
side lower
side medial
side peripheral
side posterior
side proximal
side right
side superficial
side superior
side upper
side ventral
surface anterior
surface apical
surface basal
surface contralateral
surface distal
surface dorsal
surface ipsilateral
surface lateral
surface medial
surface posterior
surface proximal
surface ventral

Posted on July 22, 2022 10:32 PM by jokkomarat jokkomarat | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July 31, 2022


This is the virus project to fix the iNaturalist flaws on virus-tracking.

iNaturalist lists viruses as "unknown", regardles theyr ID.
This means, the iNaturalist ID-Module will always list viruses among unknown ID's.

To fix this do as following:


Use the ID of the virus-host for your virus-observations!

By that two things will happen:

  • Viruses will not any more pollute the category "Unknown" in the iNaturalist ID-Module.
  • Viruses will be searchable in a more useful way.

Virologists can search the project for viruses in the annotation-field. Species-Owners (Non-Virologists) can search the Project for a species. In that way the project is useful for Virologists which want to track viruses and Species-Owners which want to learn about a possible desease that affects theyr species. (Learn more below)


Add the virus observation to the general categoy "Life" or if known to the host-taxon.

This will help to remove the virus from being tracked as unknown.

This will help users to find viruses by host.

Add suspected or verified viruses to this "Virus: "-project.

This will collect all, suspected or verified, viruses in one place.

Use the "Virus: " annotation-fields.

This will provide some useful information.

See: The "Virus: " annotation-fields.

Search for virus taxon

To search this project for a virus use the filter fields.

Example: "Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus".

Search for virus host taxon

To search this project for a virus host use the filter fields.

Example: "Life".

Tipp: Long-term observations

If you want to chain long-term observations, about spreading of a virus or effect on a host and so on, use the "Series: " annotation-filds.

The first observation of a series, you can also add to the Series as bundeled sets of observations-project.

The "Virus: " annotation-fields

The "Virus: " annotation-fields are as following:

Virus: (A1) State

Suspected: means that the observation contains probably a virus of any virus Taxon.

Verified: meand that the observation contains for sure a virus.

Virus: (B1) Host Taxon

Taxon of the virus host, if any?

Virus: (B2) Host DNA

DNA of the virus host, if known?

Virus: (C1) Taxon

Taxon of the virus, if known?

Virus: (C2) DNA

DNA of the virus, if known?

Virus: (D1) Annotation

Any custom annotation, if any?

Optional "Virus: " annotation-fields, just in case are as following:

Virus: (E01) Realm


Virus: (E02) Subrealm


Virus: (E03) Kingdom


Virus: (E04) Subkingdom


Virus: (E05) Phylum


Virus: (E06) Subphylum


Virus: (E07) Class


Virus: (E08) Subclass


Virus: (E09) Order


Virus: (E10) Suborder


Virus: (E11) Family


Virus: (E12) Subfamily


Virus: (E13) Genus


Virus: (E14) Subgenus


Virus: (E15) Species


Posted on July 31, 2022 02:12 AM by jokkomarat jokkomarat | 0 comments | Leave a comment


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