Note on Rhopalomyia pomum/calvipomum

If you iNat a Rhopalomyia pomum/calvipomum ("sponge gall midge" and "sagebrush plum gall midge" respectively), please include the surface texture in the notes: hard for calvipomum, soft/spongy for pomum. Ron Russo says this is a good way to distinguish these two that seem to overlap in morphology. Both are found on Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata). I have also seen this plant referred to as "Great basin sagebrush", which I think is a much better name.

Posted on February 16, 2022 03:08 AM by joshuacde joshuacde


Hi Joshua. I just joined I naturalist and put in a test observation of a cicada to see how it works and you responded. Just wondering if you are, or might like to, volunteer as an educator at the Naturalist Center at the museum. I work there and we are just starting to reopen after covid and alot of people have gone on to other things and we are very short handed. Mike has been trying to get new people in.

Posted by judy584 about 2 years ago

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