IDing the "unknown"

Heaps of iNat observations loiter in limbo because users upload them without any associated ID of any kind. As someone who isn't an expert in many fields of ID, if any, this is a space I can still be useful at. I know what's a plant, mammal, bird, fungi etc. Sometimes I know ID to a lower level. So adding general IDs is something I can do to help out. I've started posting this message when I do it:

I'm just adding a general ID to help this observation reach those who can ID it further.

Basically I'm doing step 5.

If you want to try your hand at improving the quality of iNat data by IDing the "unknown" you can use the filters on observations to only show what "needs ID" and is "unknown."

Posted on March 8, 2024 11:16 PM by jstarspots jstarspots


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