30 March/17

It's really astonishing how fast things change. The past couple of weeks have not been amazingly warm (around +5C for a daytime high, below 0 at night), nor very sunny. The ground is still mostly frozen, yet in a day or two a lot of things have happened. The Red ice broke apart in a day and there are large open spots between the broken ice. The gulls are back, and yesterday I heard and saw a raptor. I couldn't tell what it was, but it has a similar call to one that was around the neighbourhood last spring. Then yesterday, with the sun out, there were flying insects! Two flies, a small beetle and a Copmton Tortoiseshell. It was warm enough for insects to fly, especially in my back yard, which is little heat trap, but I didn't think the ground was warm enough for them to emerge from overwintering yet.

Posted on March 30, 2017 01:48 PM by mamestraconfigurata mamestraconfigurata


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