Summer is coming to a close and I have had a really awesome one, it was an incredible experience to spend a week with like minded birders and naturalists in the Rockies of Colorado. I had over 1000 observations in CO alone and I still stay in touch with the friends I made out there. A few weeks ago I took a three day trip with my Dad to Kansas City and Omaha purely to get the lay of the land of southern biodiversity. Many interesting trees were down there including lots of Pawpaw and many oaks, I got my lifer Chuck wills widow and my photo lifer Fish crow among others. Seeing Southern Odes like Slaty Skimmer and Citrine forktail was unforgettable. Now in the last few weeks I’ve been keeping it more chill at least from my perspective still pumping out about 50 observations a day and going birding at least somewhere. It’s a pleasure to see many migrant passerines coming through my area right now and maybe I’ll be able to snag another new plant or insect although it’ll progressively get harder by the week. What a summer it has been, sad to see it go but I’m sure this fall will be beautiful and have a few fun adventures for me to undertake, I’m fairly certain I’m going to Duluth for birding in mid September and late October so I’m looking forward to it.
Man 50 obs per day. I wish I had the stamina for that.
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