MAKEUP Leschi Park - May 12th

I wasn't sure whether to enter this but I have decided to as a makeup. On the same day I travelled to Seward Park, I visited Leschi Park as well. The trip was cut a bit short because it was very cold, but I did observe some unique things. The environments were somewhat similar as they are both located on lake Washington, but Seward Park seemed more dense in certain locations whereas plant life in Leschi Park seemed a bit more distributed and spread out. There were a lot of individual large trees and smaller ones as well in Leschi Park. There were some maples, a pine that looked like a shore pine but may have been something else, some madrone trees, I believe some alder trees, and many other individual trees I could not identify. There were so many unique ones it would be interesting to know all of them. One had broad green leaves with reddish tips while another had leaves that were a similar shape as salal but were clearly growing on a large tree. Another had small round leaves and was very interesting. Overall it was worth taking this short trip to Leschi Park, because there were many unique things to see. It did not have the density of pant life as Seward Park however.

Posted on June 5, 2012 05:45 PM by skylarwilkins skylarwilkins


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