April 27, 2012

Location: A small grassy area outside Hansee Hall.

Coordinates: 47.660909, -122.307673

Weather: It was a bright, sunny day out with about 15-20% cloud cover. Though it was sunny, the temperature was only about 55 degrees Fahrenheit and the wind was blowing fairly hard, making it too cold for me to look for more observations. The lighting was excellent.

Habitat/Vegetation: For more information on the habitat and vegetation of this area, please see the journal for March 27, 2012 here on iNaturalist.

General Comments: I found this common earthworm being attacked by a large crow and my approach happened to scare the bird off. The worm was still very much alive and kept trying to slither away from me and into the dirt. Its back end appeared to have been ripped open by the crow and a clear liquid was oozing out. I wanted to get more pictures of worms and insects, so I'm happy I had this chance. I hardly ever see earthworms, surprisingly, so this was pure luck for me.

Species List:
Common earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris)

Posted on May 1, 2012 08:29 AM by tessaf tessaf


Photos / Sounds


Common Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris)




April 27, 2012 10:29 AM PDT


For more information on the habitat and vegetation of the area this common earthworm was found, please see the journal entry for March 27, 2012 here on iNaturalist. For information on the weather that day, please see the journal entry for April 27, 2012 here on iNaturalist as well. I found this rather long earthworm being attacked by a crow in a clearing near Hansee Hall. The crow flew off and left the worm behind alive and well when I approached, so I decided to take a picture of it. This earthworm was about 6 inches long and had the characteristic clitellum of annelid worms like earthworms. Part of its back end appeared to have been ripped open by the crow and picking it up got my fingers covered in a thick, clear goop. I'm sure the crow came back to finish what it started when I left.


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