May 31, 2012

Location: The courtyard in front of Lewis Hall and the large grassy area between Parrington Hall and the law school building.

Lewis Hall: 47.6586666667, -122.3056666667
Grassy area: 47.658527, -122.31065

Habitat/Vegetation: For more information on the habitat and vegetation of these areas, please see the journal entry for April 18, 2012.

General Comments: The main reason for making this journal even though I've talked about this area before is because of the tree swallows. There were at least fifteen of them flying around the grassy area near the law building. This was amazing since I had never seen them outside of UBNA before. What brought them out to the campus proper? Were they looking for food? The pigeons caught my eye particularly because one of them was white and speckled, making it completely different from its plainer gray fellows. Why did this pigeon look different than the others? It wasn't a different species, so it's certainly odd.

Species List:
Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)
Rock Dove (Columba livia)

Posted on June 2, 2012 08:34 AM by tessaf tessaf


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