Top observers in southern Africa as of today.
(using: - select iconic group from the filters, and click on the species column.
Numbers of "species" in southern Africa (eligible for research grade)
Amphibians (136 species observed)
84 alexanderr
32 jouberth
30 scbc
29 robert_taylor
26 tonyrebelo
Reptiles (428 species observed)
156 alexanderr
117 scbc
99 jouberth
90 toby
89 herpguy
89 nick_schaller
Mammals (400 species observed)
107 tonyrebelo
101 markuslilje
93 joachim
89 henrydelange
87 johnnybirder
Birds (877species observed)
630 markuslilje
422 mr_fab
381 johnnybirder
367 happyasacupcake
363 carmelo_lopez
Fish (794 species observed)
296 nevillea
234 seastung
210 rosepalmer
165 robert_taylor
152 andrewdeacon
152 rowanwattpringle
Molluscs (641 species observed)
132 mr_fab
130 seastung
125 pbsouthwood
103 maddyo
83 diveinn_capetown
Arachnids (433 species observed)
71 wynand_uys
67 jouberth
52 alexanderr
43 sallyslak
43 tuli
Insects ( 4 370 species observed)
1 101 wolfachim
609 riana60
608 magdastlucia
587 ricky_taylor
545 botswanabugs
539 tonyrebelo
513 robert_taylor
454 qgrobler
398 jaheymans
391 bushboy
Plants (14 811 species observed)
5 146 tonyrebelo
3 660 botaneek
3 278 nicky
2 142 vynbos
1 934 mr_fab
1 620 outramps
1 338 linkie
1 272 richardadcock
1 265 gerhardmalan
1 181 peterrwarren
Fungi (543 species observed)
194 lizziepop
167 gabymeyer
133 nicky
122 tonyrebelo
115 colin25
Bacteria and Viruses (18 species observed)
10 lizziepop
9 gabymeyer
5 colin25
4 tonyrebelo
3 nicky
Mosses (60 species observed)
17 tonyrebelo
5 magdastlucia
5 nicky
5 ricky_taylor
4 barnabas
Ferns (168 species observed)
48 tonyrebelo
45 nicky
41 outramps
37 jaheymans
35 ricky_taylor
Gymnosperms (23 species observed)
18 tonyrebelo
9 vynbos
8 nicky
6 muonmo
6 outramps
6 shauns
Monocots (3 552 species observed)
1 103 tonyrebelo
1 023 botaneek
694 nicky
553 vynbos
444 gerhardmalan
Dicots (10 912 species observed)
3 936 tonyrebelo
2 623 botaneek
2 500 nicky
1 561 vynbos
1 477 mr_fab
1 244 outramps
Moths & Butterflies (2 106 species observed)
796 wolfachim
351 qgrobler
347 ricky_taylor
304 magdastlucia
247 mr_fab
Beetles (1 517 species observed)
276 riana60
214 wolfachim
196 fubr
189 botswanabugs
134 magdastlucia
Wasps Bees & Ants (388 species observed)
74 flippie1971
71 tonyrebelo
63 peterslingsby
51 magdastlucia
41 robert_taylor
Bugs (488 species observed)
95 botswanabugs
53 magdastlucia
42 colin25
38 jane_trembath
33 tonyrebelo
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