Coyote in Carondelet

Yearning to be outside with what was happening in my little local park on a sunny afternoon, I walked the two blocks and entered the special realm of Carondelet. Despite the noises of the city, this park always manages to transport me into 'wild' space. Quickly checking on the progress of the Great Horned Owl babes who had not yet left the safety of their nest, I walked to my favorite spot of the park, the roundabout. From there, I could hear bird songs and calls coming from over five surrounding sinkholes, Rusties, Robins, Cardinals, Chickadees, Titmice, Creepers, Woodpeckers and more. Deciding to slowly walk up on one of the largest and most popular sinkholes, the Black-billed Cuckoo sinkhole (named 'black-billed cuckoo' after one decided to spend a week there one spring munching on Eastern Tent Caterpillars - although black-billed cuckoos are not rare, they are not easily found, and most certainly do not reliably spend day after day in the same place during migration - that was the one and only time so far that I've experience that), I noticed movement as I walked closer, big movement, movement of a furry mammal. Fox? Carefully lifting my binoculars and peering through the thicket edge that lined the sinkhole and provided cover for this mystery, I gasped when I realized there was a Coyote peering back. Lifting my little documentation camera with care, as I didn't want to startle her, I took a few photos then videoed her, as she had not run away yet. I was within 45' of her. For about exactly one minute, I got to film her sniffing at me, looking my way then behind herself and then to the side, deciding what to do. Suddenly, as I knew she would, she disappeared. I walked the rest of my walk as light as a feather, in the trance of the trickster, humbled by such fortune - and grateful. Although the photo that came out the clearest is still a blur, it is a delightful blur as you try to find her. Here is a link to my video:

Posted on March 29, 2022 01:23 AM by wildreturn wildreturn


Photos / Sounds


Coyote (Canis latrans)




March 25, 2022 11:39 AM CDT


Gotta look hard, but eventually you'll see her head a little left of center.

You can also watch a short video of her that will eventually come back into focus here:


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