Russell Pfau Curator

Joined: Sep 29, 2015 Last Active: Sep 15, 2024 iNaturalist

I'm a biologist in the Department of Biological Sciences at Tarleton State University. I have a life-long interest in natural history and broad experience including paleontology, wildlife biology, and population and evolutionary genetics. I don't consider myself to be an expert in anything, but I'm interested in almost everything.

I'm on Mastodon.

I manage the iNaturalist project for the Timberlake Biological Field Station in Mills County, TX. Our goal is to develop a comprehensive inventory of species at the field station to inform and guide future research projects. Use this radius circle to include species omitted due to them being endangered.

Taxa I've been focusing on

I enjoy learning how to distinguish groups of related species and helping to curate them here on iNaturalist. Taxa that I've been curating include:




  • ID modal for things identified only as Arachnids (can edit filter to display observations identified to a different range of taxonomic ranks--first rank box is the highest rank, second rank box is lowest rank). I have it sorted to show oldest posts first.
  • And, of course, one can change the focal taxa and location (e.g. things only identified as beetles in TX). I have it sorted to show oldest posts first.

My projects and stuff

Really interesting things

Timberlake bioblitz events

ID guides created by other folks

iNat Tips & Tricks

It's recommended not to agree to an ID just because someone else gave that ID--only ID things based on your OWN knowledge and research. Let two knowledgeable folks take it to research grade.

View specific life stages of a taxon or observations with sounds

Adding annotations

  • Filter observations (in the Identify modal) which don't have annotations (change taxa and place as desired). Click the Annotations tab and use drop downs or keyboard shortcuts (keyboard icon in lower left) for adding annotations .
  • For flowers, chose "no evidence of flowering" if not flowering in order to remove it from future filtering as an observation needing annotation.


Observation fields I use

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