Naomi Langlois

Joined: Jul 25, 2017 Last Active: Jun 12, 2024 iNaturalist Canada

I have a personal interest in nature and observing/photographing what I see. I try to hone my plant and animal ID skills as much as I can and have started to branch out into invertebrates, birds and fungi. I find certain subjects such as salix, graminoids and ferns particularly challenging but I enjoy using iNaturalist to help with IDs. In my professional life, I conduct vegetation inventories for specific projects and programs. My employer is required by Ontario Heritage Trust to do species inventories on properties acquired through OHT grants and I often provide species ID for this purpose. It is one of the most enjoyable aspects of my job! I also do quite a lot of tree planting, invasive plant monitoring and other outdoor work which I find very satisfying. I've also begun to plant native plants in my gardens around my home and enjoy documenting my wildlife and plant observations using iNaturalist.

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