42 Goats

Large herd of Mountain Goats seen in close proximity to the Aspen Grove/Timpanogos Peak trail just below Robert's Horn. Snow persists in much of the area's north facing aspects which might be the reason for the congregation there.


Mountain goats currently inhabit several mountain ranges in Utah including numerous peaks
along the Wasatch Front, Uinta Mountains, and Tushar Mountains (Figure 1). All populations
are the result of introductions; the first of which occurred in 1967 when 6 mountain goats (2
billies, 4 nannies) were released in the Lone Peak area (Table 1). Within Utah, 24 separate
transplant events have occurred and 185 mountain goats have been released. Initial transplants
used mountain goats from Olympic National Park in Washington as the source herd. After those
transplanted herds became established, they became source herds for future transplants. The
Tushar Mountains population has been the most common Utah source herd because of its rapidly
growing population and relative ease of accessibility. As a result of the transplants, mountain
goat populations in Utah have steadily increased since 1967 to their current population of more
than 2000 estimated animals

Posted on August 3, 2017 03:47 PM by jay jay


Photos / Sounds


Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus)




August 2, 2017 10:23 AM MDT


Thirty-four individuals at this location.

Photos / Sounds


Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus)




August 2, 2017 10:57 AM MDT


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