Woodchuck Creek Watershed

I spent the first three days of June back in the Woodchuck Creek Watershed. According to CalFlora, this area has seen no recorded visits by botonists except for me, an untrained amateur. Parts of this drainage are beautiful. On this trip I managed to find some of the less attractive areas. I spent more time than I wanted in swamps and trekked through areas where deadfalls made the going slow. I really haven't spent much time there, but I hope to visit as many parts of it as I can during the next few years so I can get a better feel for the distribution of the plants in this seldom visited area. So far I have confirmed ID's of eight species (one is rare and endangered so it does not show up on the list) and I have two fungi, two trees and 26 flowers awaiting confirmation.

Posted on June 8, 2013 03:27 AM by sekihiker sekihiker


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