Analysis of the Calphoto Database for Lewisia leeana of Fresno County, California

After analyzing the CCH database for Lewisia leeana, I concluded that the records showed that its disjunct population was confined to three small areas in eastern Fresno County. Then it occurred to me that I had not reviewed the data associated with photos of L. leeana in the Calphoto Database1. A total of 39 photos of Lewisia leeana were in the Calphoto collection as of 6 August 2014. Most of the observations were either geographically vague or from northern California. Two of the observations confirmed my suspicions about its distribution which I had expressed in the study of the CCH database. Two of the photos were taken on Eagle Peak by Chris Winchell on July 30, 2006. Eagle Peak was one of the locations I predicted in my study of the CCH database that might host L. leeana. The other photo was taken by Vernon Smith between Pearl and Division Lakes in the Blackcap Basin. In my earlier analysis I thought L. leeana might be found as far east as Blackcap Mountain, but here is evidence that its range extends well into the Blackcap Basin and up to an elevation of almost 11,000 feet.

I have my work cut out for me. I have spent some time hiking in the Blackcap Basin, but have never focused on the botany. I have already planned a trip to explore the area as soon as possible in 2015. I would go this year but I want to make sure I get lots of photos of blossoms and there aren't any blossoms remaining on L. leeana this late in the season.

Bill Finch
6 August 2014


Posted on August 8, 2014 09:12 PM by sekihiker sekihiker


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