We have a website!

Hi everyone! Thanks so much for being a part of Who Eats Whom. I'm writing to share that we have a website with a simple mockup of the observations submitted to our project so far.

Link here: https://whoeatswhom.org/

The home page shows species-level interactions among all research-grade observations of predation in our project. A separate page shows the relationship at a coarser taxonomic level. More features will be coming out to make these graphics more useful (searchable, for instance) in the coming months.

Thanks again and please let me know your thoughts! I've had to really up my coding skills to bring all the different pieces together for this and am pleased to finally see at least the beginnings of a useful end result for everyone.



Posted on January 18, 2022 05:13 AM by bradleyallf bradleyallf


I checked out your website. That network chart is really hard to use. The names of the species overlap and it becomes impossible to read them all.

Posted by lappelbaum about 1 year ago

@lappelbaum you are absolutely right. The current webpage was an early attempt to run this visualization. I am maybe 2/3 of the way through coding a new version of the site that I'm really excited about and will be much easier to use. More soon!

Posted by bradleyallf about 1 year ago


Posted by lappelbaum about 1 year ago

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