Nepachys ramicornis (Boheman 1851)

Pronotum black, sides and usually also the base more or less broadly lined with red, rarely only the basal angles are narrowly lightened. .The black patch on the pronotal disc varies in development, sometimes reduced to a large spot in front.
Male: Antennae long, flabellate; elytra with the apex rufo-testaceous, excavate, and bilamellate.
nigro-pectinate at the tip.
Female: Antenne shorter, serrate; elytra wholly metallic.

Nepachys species in South Africa can be keyed with:
Wittmer, W. 1984. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Nepachys Thomson in Südafrika (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) (23. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fauna Afrikas) Entomologica Basiliensia 9.

First description in:
Boheman, C. H. 1851. Insecta Caffrariae annis 1838-1845 a J.A. Wahlberg collecta.
Translated from Latin:
Anthocomus (Erichs.) ramicornis: oblong-square, slightly convex, black, slightly shiny, shortly pubescent; with brown antennae, base testaceous, in males pectinate, prothorax rufous-shelly, anteriorly a large stripe, black marked; elytra dirt coloured, often punctate, apex red-testaceous.

Description of Ebaeomorphus ramicornis in:
Pic, M. 1904. Diagnoses de Malacodermes africains et américains. Echange 20
Translated from French:
Relatively short and broad, black, elytra blue, broadly flavous at apex, sides of prothorax testaceous. Head broad; antennae black, very little testaceous at the base, long toothed then flabellate from the 4th article;
prothorax quite short and broad, slightly narrowed posteriorly, black all over the middle and more or less testaceous on the sides; elytra not very shiny, short and broad, enlarged towards the middle, then narrowed, swollen and provided with flavous auricles at the top, marked with a variable sutural depression behind scutellum; legs dark. Length 2.5 mm.

Distribution: Natal

iNat observation:

Posted on April 11, 2024 08:28 AM by traianbertau traianbertau


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