#GSB2024 - Great Southern Bioblitz 2024

It's that (irregular) Spring time again, when we spend a four day weekend iNatting as much stuff as possible!

I take rough, geotagged and sometimes digi-binned photos on my phone when I'm out. Then I upload them to iNat when I'm in.

I hashtag these all, #GSB2024. Partly to raise awareness of the event, but partly as a reminder that it might be a far less interesting observation than I'd normally make. For the #GSB2024 it's all about volume, not description!

International leader board here:

Tassie project here - join up and the weekend observations will all be "badged." This helps others get to know about the event.

Posted on September 20, 2024 07:20 AM by jstarspots jstarspots


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