Journal archives for January 2024

January 31, 2024



Please fix your locality resolution (or locality accuracy or locality error). Too large an accuracy, or missing accuracy, means that the data are not incorporated into checklists for the smaller nature reserves and places, and cannot be used for conservation planning and red listing purposes.

Ideally we like it to be 2-5m accuracy, but often one is uncertain, or does not know quite where one was, in which case it might be 100s of metres. but please if you genuinely dont know exactly where you were dont make them too precise, even if it is to the nearest km or two.
You need to enter this in when you add your observations. It shows up as a circle showing the area in which you were where you are uncertain as to exactly where the point should be. You can enter the value directly in metres for the radius of the circle.
Please see how to enter these when uploading you data in this tutorial:

Here is your list of observations without Locality accuracy recorded:

To fix it, please click Edit (up top) and type in the value in the "Acc (m)" box, and/or adjust the circle around your locality in the map. While at it please give a decent locality name (the Googlemap names are atrociously vague) - but be careful not to press "search" after entering the name as that will corrupt your coordinates.
and save ...

If you have lots, you will need to batch edit it: please see instructions here: (Thanks Peter).

((please note: if you are using the app, it should record your locality accuracy automatically, if you take the photographs with the app.
If instead, you take photographs and add them to the app afterwards, in will not be able to parse the location error for the Accuracy value - in which case you will needs to manually insert them afterwards - or you can zoom in or out of the location map to achieve this))

Posted on January 31, 2024 02:05 PM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 0 comments | Leave a comment



Please refine your location. Check the point (zoom in deep) and reduce the Location Accuracy [= error or precision] as to as small a value or circle as is valid.
The app should be accurate to 5m, but anything above 22km radius exceeds the resolution considered as "obscured" on iNaturalist.
When first switching on the app, please make sure the GPS is on, and give the app about a minute to find out where you are. Once found, it should remain accurate to metres for the rest of the period until you close the app.
If you take the pictures with the camera and then add them to the app, you will need to manage the Location Accuracy manually.

Default values that can be used include 10m using a GPS in the open, 30m under trees, and 250m when travelling at 100km/h.

Dont mistake accuracy for places. If you are inside a park or small reserve, the accuracy is not a circle encompassing the area - it is an circle (partly) inside the area - it is the accuracy with which you know your location and not the entire area of a known place.

Accurate observations are crucial for observations in the Cape Flora, where even 10km may make the difference between centres of endmism and many vegetation types. For conservation and research purposes, please try and be as precise as you can be.

Of course, if you cannot be more precise, please do not post a too fine a Location Error. Falsely accurate data may result in species populations not being conserved, or developed, because the species is not recorded where it is, or alternatively - a useless area may be considered for acquisition to protect biodiversity. Similarly spare a thought for researchers who may spend hours looking for species where they never were.

Observations exceeding Obscured in "Location Accuracy"

Posted on January 31, 2024 02:13 PM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 0 comments | Leave a comment


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