Native Bees at Heritage Park

Today @ecogeekmama stopped by Heritage Park to tour the garden areas with a focus on identifying native bee species present on-site. Leading up today, I had documented the following five species on-site:

Within an hour or so, Laura had spotted several varieties of Cuckoo Bees (Tripeolus, Nomada), Sweat Bees (Lasioglossum), Pebble Bees (Dianthidium floridiense), Long-horned bees (Melissodes), and Small Carpenter Bees (Ceratina). These are all new to me, and documented for the first time at Heritage Park. I'm looking forward to learning more about each of these species, their nesting and foraging habitat and behavior, and continuing native bee exploration!

Posted on June 28, 2022 02:16 AM by kpdonald kpdonald


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