Monsoon Beauty 2023 - 15th to 17th July - Arachnid, Amphibian, & Mollusc Highlight

Some Arachnid, Amphibian, and Mollusc highlights from the 15th to the 17th of July 2023

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To recommend an observation to be highlighted contact @ram_k

Arachnid (Spider)

Heavy-bodied Jumper Hyllus semicupreus

Observed by @anil_kumar_verma in Thane, Maharashtra, India

Observation Date 15th July 2023

Amphibian (Frog)

White-bellied Pug-snout Frog Uperodon variegatus

Observed by @aniruddha_singhamahapatra in Kadma, West Bengal, India

Observation Date 16th July 2023

Mollusc (Snail)

Giant Land Snails Family Achatinidae

Observed by @subbu107 in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Observation Date 16th July 2023

Posted on July 17, 2023 04:42 PM by ram_k ram_k


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