Reptile, and Amphibian Highlights - Monsoon Beauty 2023 (15th to 20th July)

Reptile , and Amphibian Highlights - Monsoon Beauty 2023 (15th to 20th July)

Some Snake (Reptile) and Amphibian (Frog) highlights

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Latest highlights from the event are documented on Instagram and also on Inaturalist Journals

India's Nature is also on Telegram

Snake (Reptile)

In these images, Ravi Naidu has captured the beauty of the Russell's viper in all its glory. The snake is coiled up and camouflaged by the brown earth, its scales glistening in the monsoon light. The the snake's eyes seem to stare out at the viewer with a sense of mystery.

Observed by @ravinaidu

Location : Niyanar, Chhattisgarh, India

Observed on: 16th, July 2023


Ravi Naidu's stunning image of the Wide-spread Fungoid Frog (Hydrophylax bahuvistara), a host to a novel anti-influenza virucide,from Chattisgarh

Observed by @ravinaidu

Location : Jagdalpura, Chhattisgarh, India

Observed on: 16th, July 2023

Posted on July 20, 2023 05:18 PM by ram_k ram_k


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