Sweep away Monday Blues with Monsoon beauty Highlights (15th Jul. - 7th Aug. 23)

Monsoon beauty Highlights (15th Jul. - 7th Aug. 23)

Continue to share in the enchanting world of Monsoon Beauty 2023, sweeping away those Monday Blues. Amidst the lush landscapes, elusive creatures come to life, as showcased in the captivating photo of the Indian Fox (Vulpes bengalensis) by Sahana M, capturing its fox-like charm. Delve into the realm of fungi with the exquisite Puffball Mushroom from Mukteshwar, shared by Maya Lodhiyal. National Moth Week adds to the spectacle with the Leaf Roller Moth (Loboschiza koenigiana) in rust and brown hues, a reminder of the vibrant moth universe, and the Sandstorm yellow and chocolate brown carpet moth (Hastina pluristrigata), a testament to Darjeeling's moth-rich mountains.

Mammals : Indian Fox

Animals -Chordates Phylum Chordata - Vertebrates - Mammals - Therians - Placental Mammals - Ungulates, Carnivorans, & Allies - Carnivorans - Canids - Typical Foxes

Wild mammals are common in our imagination and daily language, but some of them are difficult to spot in real life. The photo of Indian Fox (Vulpes bengalensis) from Mysuru, Karnataka, by Sahana M, captures the furtive nature of this mammal with its big ears and typical foxy features.

Observed by @sahanam

Location : Mysuru, Karnataka, India

Observed on: 2nd Aug. 2023

Fungi & Lichens : Gilled Mushroom & Allies

Fungi Including Lichens - Basidiomycete Fungi - Higher Basidiomycetes - Class Agaricomycetes - Subclass Agaricomycetidae - Common Gilled Mushrooms &Allies- Suborder Agaricineae - Puffballs

This Puffball Mushroom (Family Lycoperdaceae), shared by Maya Lodhiyal, from Mukteshwar, is a beautiful example of the diversity of fungi found in the world and being documented during Monsoon Beauty 2023.

Notes : Puffballs are fungi in the Family Lycoperdaceae, which are characterized by their white, spore-filled interior. When mature, puffballs release their spores into the air by puffing out like a dandelion. Some Puffballs are edible when young and firm, but they become poisonous as they mature.

Observed by @maya318

identifier @suresh_ghimire

Location : Mukteshwar, Uttarakhand India

Observed on: 24th July, 2023

Highlights from National Moth Week 22nd to 30th July 2023

Insects : Moths

23rd July 2023, Day 2: (Rust, Orange, Brown)

Animals - Arthropods - Hexapods - Insects - Winged & Once-winged Insects -Lepidoptera - Tortricid Leafroller Moths & Allies - Tortricid Leafroller Moths - Olethreutine Leafroller Moths - Tribe Enarmoniini - Genus Loboschiza

The dimunative but subtly brilliant rust, brown coloured Leaf Roller Moth Loboschiza koenigiana, shared by Ayaan S, is a yet another reminder of the colourful world of moths both big and tiny.

Observed by @kunikimu

Location : Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Observed on: 23rd July, 2023

Insects : Moths

24th July 2023, Day 3: (Brown with yellow)

Animals - Arthropods - Hexapods - Insects - Winged & Once-winged Insects -Lepidoptera - Geometrid & Swallowtail Moths - Geometer Moths -Carpet Moths - Tribe Asthenini -Hastina

This beautifully patterned Sandstorm yellow and chocolate brown carpet moth Hastina pluristrigata shared by Bon Pradhan, is another highlight from the Moth rich mountains of Darjeeling, West Bengal.

Observed by @bonpradhan

Location : Darjeeling, West Bengal India

Observed on: 24th July, 2023

Bon Pradhan is India's leading Moth observer on Inaturalist having contributed over 15000 records. He posts on Instagram here and shares many of his bugs, beetles and moths on his himalibugs channel as well.

Latest highlights from the event are documented on


with more complete details on Inaturalist Journals

India's Nature is also on Telegram

If you like an observation do use the Star Icon and fave the observation

To recommend an observation to be highlighted contact @ram_k via inaturalist tagging or inaturalist message system

Posted on August 7, 2023 03:36 PM by ram_k ram_k


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